quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Barroso OUT!

Hi, the first I'm writing in english, just in case I have a simliar projection with publico but at an international level.

Barroso we don't need you in the EU.
You are the remainings of Bush stupid war.
The only thing I liestened from EU concerning:
1. 300 innocent children killed in the name of some terrorists
2. when people is starving
3. No medical supplies and chaos in hopsitals
4. when ONU and jornalists are alo bombed

"We are shocked."

Do fucking something!

Because Bush and Blair are your goodfathers, you just can't.

So, if you want that Europeans keep believe in the Europe you have been telling us, get out EU!

And do us a favor, don't come back to Portugal again.

Ps. If you can, take Santana Lopes with you wherever you are going, that would be even better.

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